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Guidelines for book reviews

We do not encourage spontaneous submissions of book reviews, since the book reviewed may not be of sufficient interest to ETC's readership or may already be under review, but requests are welcome via our contact form.

Authors of book reviews should follow the general guidelines and additionally heed the following specifications:

  1. Review length varies but is usually between 1,500 and 3,000 words.

  2. Book reviews are not normally divided into (sub)sections.

  3. Reviews are headed by the details of the book under review and the reviewer's name and affiliation, as in the following example:

Tom Toremans and Walter Verschueren (eds.), Crossing Cultures: Nineteenth-Century Anglophone Literature in the Low Countries. 2009. Leuven: Leuven University Press. ISBN 978-90-5867-733-4. 218 pp.

Reviewed by Pim Verhulst (University of Antwerp)